Press Kit

MO in the studio


A glorious stew made from the holy ingredients of the Velvet Underground, Pavement and the b-52s.

Marvelle Oaks started as the moniker for the music of songwriter and guitarist Alex Demir(formerly brownbelt singer/guitarist). Marvelle Oaks, the band, formed when Alex and wife Tess (bass/vocals) joined forces. Collaboration quickly grew from, "Hey can you play this beat ..." and "just do a bass line something like this" to "Hey, we actually sound pretty good" to "Shit! we have a show. We better get our shit together" to "let's make records".

We are Vocals, Bass, Guitar, and Drums.
We are Indie rock.
We are in love.

Foggy City, MO's EP released 4/12/24, is a reflection of a city reawakening in a wtf-just-happened-to-the-world world.

Tess & Alex

Press Release for Foggy City

Press Clips

"Marvelle Oaks new EP “Foggy City” cuts through the murk with jagged riffs and earworm melodies" - Jason Lee, The Deli

"...what really sells the whole thing to our ears is the buzzy sonics, halfway between Pavement and Bakesale-era Sebadoh, and rough-hewn emotive vocals (meanwhile Tess’s harmonies fulfill the “sweet” side of the equation) like a classic indie-rock update..." - Jason Lee, The Deli

read full review on The Deli

MO Music

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